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Assalam alaykum (あなたに平安がありますよう)。私たちは「カフェ・カウサル」です!!



Assalam alaykum (may the peace be upon you all!). We're "Cafe Kawthar". We aim for a safe home-like space

for youths of Muslim community in Japan, through embracing abundance of individuality and sustaining a

strong bond among our dear brothers and sisters.

​カウサルストーリー・Our story

アラビア語で”カウサル”は”豊穣”を意味し、聖典クルアーンに登場する”カウサル”は楽園を流れる川や泉を意味します。私たちの願いは、私と”あなた”が絆を育む中で互いに刺激し、憩いの安らぎや喜びをたくさん感じることです。In Sha Allah(神のお望みならば)

The Arabic word Kawthar means abundance, and in Quranic meaning Al-Kawthar refers to a river or lake in Paradise. Our hope for "you" and me is to receive an abundance of secure feeling, joy and inspiration through attaining interrelationship. In Sha Allah

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